Recurrent hang setting up Networking
There seems to be an occasional issue related to devworkspace setting up networking. It complains that the ingress is already defined even if it is not:
2024-03-21T15:09:26Z ERROR controllers.DevWorkspaceRouting Error syncing ingresses {"Request.Namespace": "marian-neagul-e-uvt-ro-che-7w2uzp", "Request.Name": "routing-workspace74a52768b8a24c89", "devworkspace_id": "workspace74a52768b8a24c89", "error": "admission webhook \"\" denied the request: host \"\" and path \"/\" is already defined in ingress marian-neagul-e-uvt-ro-che-7w2uzp/workspacef1d48fbe370f4a93-maappython-13131-code-redirect-1"}
The workaround for this was to restart the ingress controller:
kubectl rollout restart deployment/ingress-nginx-controller -n ingress-nginx
It seems that the state of the ingress controller was misaligned to the state in K8S. More investigation will be done.